Theatrical clip of Amorous Crossing, a comedy by Mark Miller. Directed by Tod Booth, I play opposite Nicholas Ballas.

Reading from Faraway Nearest One, an animated reading of the Lake George correspondence of O'Keeffe and Stieglitz from 1918 through the mid-1930s.

Reading from Faraway Nearest One, an animated reading of the Lake George correspondence of O'Keeffe and Stieglitz from 1918 through the mid-1930s.

A scene from The Valerie of Now and Imagining Brad by Peter Hedges. Directed by Janet Davidson I play the character of Dana opposite Judith Jones-Arute who plays Brad's Wife.

An open dress rehearsal of Good People by David Lindsay Abaire, I play the character of Margaret, directed by Janet Davidson.

In an open dress rehearsal, Debrianna Mansini and Steve Weir play the opening scene of "Good People" by David Lindsay Abaire, directed by Janet Davidson.